溶解度 and bioavailability are overwhelming challenges in drug development. We have a range of practical, proven approaches for overcoming these barriers. Approximately 40% of all drugs currently on the market, and 90% of the compounds at present in development for future use, 在水中溶解度差. 这导致难以获得足够的, reproducible absorption from the gastrointestinal tract after oral administration. Poor solubility and variable drug absorption are associated with low bioavailability, and ultimately affect the efficacy and safety of the product.
Class 1 (High 溶解度) High 溶解度, High Permeability, Rapid Dissolution. Class 1 drugs do not normally exhibit bioavailability problems. 然而, 从药代动力学的角度来看, a slower but longer-lasting release would sometimes be preferable.
Class 2 (Low 溶解度) Low 溶解度, High Permeability. Class 2 includes the majority of NCEs in the development pipelines. Their solubility in the gastrointestinal tract has to be increased to allow them to be formulated into marketable products
Class 3 (High 溶解度) High 溶解度, Low Permeability. Class 3 drugs are soluble in the gastrointestinal tract but not readily taken up by the body. Permeation enhancing techniques are required to to turn them into clinically effective products
Class 4 (Low 溶解度) High 溶解度, Low Permeability. Class 4 contains substances that neither dissolve nor penetrate physiological barriers to enter the body. 它们通常不会进一步发展, although they may have some application when used with pro-drugs.
Our unparalleled range of technologies designed to increase the solubility or permeability of drug compounds have applications throughout the development process, 从最早的阶段到商业化. 在免版税的基础上提供,它们包括: